
Useful Link: BittBox

I find this particular link extremely helpful. It's a website called BittBox that offers up a wide variety of useful tidbits for the aspiring graphic designer. Right now he's not posting often enough to merit a daily check, but I've got it listed in my RSS feed and find something useful almost every time he updates. Sometimes it's a quick lesson on Illustrator or Photoshop, sometimes it's a cool new font he's discovered, sometimes it's free vector art to use in your own work (or any of a variety of other free bits and pieces from button designs to art brushes). Sometimes it's just a link to something that inspired him (I'm less interested in those, since his inspirations don't quite seem to mesh with my own style, but that's just me).

Check it out, there's lots to like.

1 comment:

Rob said...

A perfect example of why I love this site: "Get More Natural Adjustments with Illustrator's Research Tool"

I had no idea, but am glad I do now. I'll certainly put that one to good use.