We have now established a del.icio.us account for rm9. It's called, as might be expected "Rm9." You can find it here and in the new links bar to the left.
There are a fair number of useful links on a whole variety of topics of interest to RmNiners and to designers in general: art and design resources, design blogs, tutorials, design companies, and some Georgia Tech specific links. There's even a tag specifically for free stuff. Check it out and bookmark it. You won't regret it.
Rob will maintain it and keep it up to date. If you would like to assist, have suggestions for further links to add, or see a problem, let Rob know. Also, if you have a del.icio.us account already, you may just want to add Rm9 to your network and share your own useful links.
Happy Browsing!
1 comment:
Glad to know that this site isn't dead. We should try to make it more active. Rob, do you like referring to yourself in the third person? =P
Some links I would like to add are:
(these are just some personal interest links like photography and asian design stuff.)
http://www.pingmag.jp/ - Pingmag's Tokyo-based magazine concentrating on design especially in japan but they also showcase a lot of international events. I love this really fantastic site.
A techblog similar to Engadget but for some reason i like it better. An alternative to Engadget.
I can add more later cause i don't have the links with me right now cause i'm on my home computer.
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